Words Liam Friary
Images Cameron Mackenzie

Bikes are the perfect antidote to some of life’s woes. Once you turn the pedals you’re free to roam wherever you please – like a child. I suppose that kid-like simplicity is what some of us chase. It’s also the mental freedom that we often don’t get in today’s fast-paced rat race. This issue has the theme of adventure and escapism. It’s about showing what’s possible with this incredible tool. The community that binds us all together is the real oil on the chain. It doesn’t matter where you go, riders will understand and ‘get’ each other. That’s because we all relate to one another through the bike. We are all cut from the same cloth. This community is really special, and to that I say: lean in as far as you can.

The thing is, these print deadlines do create a timeline in which we need to work back from. It’s these moments that entail a plethora of white board scribbles, handwritten and digital notes, emails, phone calls, travel, bike builds, client pitches, weather windows to jump through, missed flights, postponed shoots, broken bikes, long rides, short rides, social media messaging… and the list goes on. With all that said, we manage to bring everything together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. The thing is, we wouldn’t have it any other way – we are all doing what we love.

I’m stoked that we’re still able to bring you compelling stories via a print medium. It’s to give you a break from the digital bombardment. The features in this journal can be read anytime you please. They’re created to give riders inspiration for their own adventures. Post-pandemic, we are more inclined to get the most of our lives because we never truly know what’s around the next corner. We are only here because of the long-term support of our avid readers, and the unwavering backing of our local cycle industry. Thanks a million times over – ‘cause without your loyal support I wouldn’t be scrambling to write these words on deadline. Nah, in all honesty, we wouldn’t be here without all of you. I’m so thankful for this and the people (you know who you are) who continue to rally around us, support us and give us a hand whenever we reach out.